Tablet I have a 10" Windows Tablet on my wall running MusicBee, but it was fiddly to control. This TM shows the current album art and 4 upcoming albums, has track skip buttons, an album skip button, play/pause and mute, with a clock at the top for functionality and progress bar along the bottom. February 13, 2024, 8:36 am tablet 1.5 MusicBee 3 Windows 7/ 8/ 10/ 11 Add-ons Theater Mode MusicBee



by thinklater

Supports Minimum MusicBee 3

I have a 10" Windows Tablet on my wall running MusicBee, but it was fiddly to control. This TM shows the current album art and 4 upcoming albums, has track skip buttons, an album skip button, play/pause and mute, with a clock at the top for functionality and progress bar along the bottom.

   Based on Fluent Carousel by mmakes. Custom fonts used are Jaguar for the clock and Lemon Milk for the song details. Drop Images folder in MusicBee\Plugins\TheaterMode.List\


Custom fonts used are Jaguar for the clock and Lemon Milk for the song details. Drop Images folder in MusicBee\Plugins\TheaterMode.List\

Name Tablet
Author thinklater
Version 1.5
Category Theater Mode
Published on February 7, 2024
Updated on February 13, 2024, 8:36 am
Supports Minimum MusicBee 3

More from thinklater

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